Ash Ranch Press

Jose and the Burro

Jose and the Burro

Harry Oliver

San Diego, CA: Ash Ranch Press, 1987. 54 pp. Approximately 1 1/8 x 1 1/4". LIMITED EDITION of 126 copies, this being #27. Green leather with stamped decorations and the author's initials on both covers, letterpress, illustrated, color ink and illustration on the title page, in fine condition. (Bradbury, Ash Ranch Press #4)

Printed to commemorate the 99th birthday of Harry Oliver (1888-1973). This is a short but inspirational story about an old man and his burro, printed in a lovely binding.

Ash Ranch Press
$ 70.00 USD

The Griffin

The Griffin

Don Hildreth

San Diego, CA: Ash Ranch Press, 1989. 36 pp. Approximately 2 7/16 x 2 7/16". LIMITED EDITION of 126 copies, this being #34. Red leather over boards, blind stamped griffin design on cover with gilt title on spine, letterpress, marbled endpapers, illustrations throughout, signed on the colophon by the publisher, in fine condition. (Bradbury, Ash Ranch Press #14)

The subtitle of the book says, "The Griffin. A note on a fabulous creatures rise from a guardian of gold to a symbol of printing." A lovely little history with illustrations about the griffin symbol.

Ash Ranch Press
$ 85.00 USD

The Tramp Printer

The Tramp Printer

King Wilkin

San Diego, CA: Ash Ranch Press, 1987. 36 pp. Approximately 1 1/8 x 1 1/4". LIMITED EDITION of 126 copies, this being #21. Dark blue leather with stamped green ink and blue foil decorations on both covers, letterpress, illustrated by Don Hildreth, printed in blue ink up through the title page, in fine condition. (Bradbury, Ash Ranch Press #3)

A prince of the road, the king of vagabonds, the tramp printer -- all these titles for a man who dropped in occasionally at a print shop and helped out and then hit the road again. A fond memory story in a beautiful little binding.

Ash Ranch Press
$ 70.00 USD