Pátria Nyomda

I. Andrástol.I.  Gézaig.

I. Andrástol.I. Gézaig.

Kristó Gyula-Makk Ferenc

Budapest: Pátria Nyomda, 1988. 433 pp. Approximately 1 1/2 x 1 3/4". LIMITED EDITION of 400-600 copies, this being #179. Brown leather with beautifully designed and colorful enamelled metal plaque edged in gilt decoration on front cover, title in gilt on spine, gilt decoration on back cover, decorative endpapers, 7 full-color illustrations and 4 tinted one with two folding diagrams, text in Hungarian, in fine condition.

This is volume 14 of the Kings of Hungary series.

Pátria Nyomda
$ 190.00 USD