1776 or "A Whole Other Ball Game"

1776 or "A Whole Other Ball Game"
$ 40.00 USD
[Los Angeles]: Aaron Pix, 1975. Approx. 21 x 17 1/4", oblong. Stiff paper, majorly folded and creased, in good condition only.
Paul Whitehead is a British painter and graphic artist. He is best known for his album covers for Genesis and Van der Graff Generator under the Charisma Records lable. He is in the Guiness Book of Records for the largest mural in the world. He also published art under his feminine side, as Trish van Cleef. This work, also titled "A Whole Other Ball Game", was published as a poster by Aaron Brothers in 1975 to commemorate the Bicenntial of the United States, this poster is scarce with none found in auction or on the open market at this time (1/2020)